Monday, January 16, 2012



Current progress on student choice test grade (Album)

“Where’s He Going” by John Fitzgerald

Yeah, It goes First to last
Leave a crater on impact, It’s a fact
Plead your case and get smacked
Yeah, sayin’ first is the worst
You’re Times New Roman, I’m a little more cursive
Rollin’ so damn deep with these cursed verses
Rumoring when the bad word disperses
Bad news; the worst is always fallin’ on deaf ears
HA, ask me where I’ll be sittin’ in ten years
The man in your nightmares, he’s stirrin’ your fears
The reason Ray Charles was always drownin’ in tears
Tearin’ apart the family, misunderstanding is the schism
New trends; edgier than a rectangular prism
Mixed emotions,
He’s gone and she doesn’t know if she should miss ‘em
More than a few problems these days, here I’ll list ‘em.

Yeah, ashes to ashes, dust to dust
All that glitters is gold but then it turns to rust
Tryna catch up with the rest; tryna fulfill
Her only source of calories was her diet pills
Even superman’s retreating, gottem askin’ “where’s he going?”
As the clouds of smog in the distance behind him keep growing

Yeah, Skies go hazy in this crazy delirium
Poor kid had no idea that it was steering em’;
Straight, Into on-coming traffic
It’s tragic how his addiction bounced back like an elastic
How fantastic, he starts stealin from thugs and gets his ass kicked
Actions turn drastic
Man, we all know where the story goes from here
Long prison sentence, he been locked up for years
His thoughts were a fog, but his conscience was clear
The reason superman flew so far away from here
[Chorus Fades]

“Below it All” by John Fitzgerald

We’re doin’ what they told us
He can tell he’s at the bottom cos' the world is on his shoulders
High rollers, square wheels, candle holders
Candle light like a vigil, vigilante
Kill the lights, up the ante.
 Michael Franti
I be gone
Hit my stride and move along.
Lookin’ down; at his shoes
Looks back up just to look at you,
So long, see ya later
Hater, tryna stop him dead in his tracks
Dead wrong, the poor bastard fell between the cracks
In his mind, like a canyon
Swallows your dreams and then becomes your companion

(shift in tempo)

Predator, nasty when he takes the mask off
Count back 3,2,1 and watches em’ blast off
He’s a rap star, no stoppin him now
Ego inflated, smiling at the crowd
Cloud 9, elevate to the music
Platonic relations, never known to abuse it
On another level of revelation
Tellin’ the world he oughta tell the nation
Telekinesis, twist ya thoughts like the karma sutra
Non-linear time, lookin inward at his old future
Money the cake, thin slice like a butcher
Age differential, no cares, Ashton Kutcher
Cut your hair, change your name
Skip town, who’s to blame?
That acapella,
 Lack of a better beat, its all the same
He’s taming the lost art of originality
Smooth verses on the mic, call it counter-brutality
A firm dose of loose reality
Pinched when he’s dreamin’
Wakes up, smells the coffee, and starts schemin’
A plot, to scratch and claw his way to the top
To stray away from the normal and the everyday pop
Like I said, hes a rap star, just try to get him to stop.

 “Ouch” by John Fitzgerald

Aim high, might as well skip the prologue
Wave to the little people, crowds of them “Roloffs”
Cold heart; in angular degrees never Celsius
Change the angle of your approach; even hell sees us
We them crowd pleasers, Trailer; park; video teasers
What a feat, to visualize a life outside of Norton
But you’re too busy rottin your brain with them bath chemicals you’re snortin’
Think it’s funny with that ear-to-ear smile I’m sportin’
Horton heard the “Whos” but who the hell heard Horton?
OH, oh no, not a soul to be heard by
Like roadkill, anonymous death on the turnpike
My advice, keep a fear of remaining unheard
Jinx, you owe me a coke, and don’t you say one word

(Instrumental Break)

Next in line; the weakest link just broke
The food chain swings and you just let go
Of yourself, loss of inhibition
An epiphany, yeah, he claims he saw it in a vision
An apparition, crouched down by his bedside
Turn the water blood-red like the red tide
Bio-luminescent, shine like a full moon when it’s a crescent
No money, more problems, his life as a peasant
Pinch a penny, oughta stretch it a mile
Immune to that stench, he’s been in it a while
Yeah, it’s a new day, same s**t…bigger pile
Speaking figuratively of course
The man was so hungry he could ride a horse…

Or something, of that variety
Caste system, welcome to the flyer society
Oh my, it’s me, and on my back is a target
Leave your attitude at the door so it doesn’t get on my carpet
Pluralized, many clones of which
Causes the confusion and all the styles to switch
Off and on like a light switch
Fresh hat, expensive clothes and some diamonds on yo’ wrist
I’ve seen it all before, show me something I missed.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Backmasking Assignment

As far as subliminal messaging in music goes, most cases are forced by the listener, but in some cases there are very profound instances of subliminal messaging in the form of backmasking. In my opinion, there are very few actual cases of backmasking in music, meaning all other supposed cases are influenced by knowing what to listen for beforehand.
1)       In the song “Hit Me Baby, One More Time” by Britney Spears, at one point in the song, when played backwards says clearly: “sleep with me, I’m not too young”. Even without the previous suggestion of what to listen for, one can easily identify what she is saying.
2)      In “Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin there are frequent backmasked references to the devil. Though the backwards words are very obscure and difficult to identify, I personally recognize this as one of the more credible instances of satanic backmasking because of the mysterious nature of the band.
3)      In the “Dora the Explorer” Theme song there are some rather concerning instances of backmasking, but the so called “satanic messages” were forced by the notion that they existed in the first place.
4)       Another case of backmasking in popular children’s cartoon is in the “Pokémon Rap” on the animated children’s show “Pokémon”. When the phrase “Gotta catch em all” is played backwards it sounds eerily similar to “I love satan”. But I would also dismiss this as being a credible case of subliminal messaging simply because of the harmless nature of the television show.
5)      In Eminem’s “My Name is” there is a backmasked message that is quite possibly intentional. When the phrase “Hi! My name is... (what?) My name is... (who?) My name is... {scratches} Slim Shady.” Is played backwards it says “It is slim, It’s Eminem, It’s Eminem”. Eminem is a pretty clever rap artist, and it wouldn’t surprise me if he actually intended for this to happen. 

Song Writing Assignment

“Fly Paper” by John Fitzgerald

Redundant like an ignorant ignoramus
I’m not even famous
Pen plus paper equals heinous
…Rhymes in times like these
A decent joke is like a cool breeze-
Never seen… like when a horse walks into a bar
A celebrity on heroin; call ‘em a shooting star
get high on life?
It seems they’ve built up a tolerance
My pockets must be blind
Because they haven’t seen a dollar since
Funny how I find a way to keep smiling
Like when I found out ‘booty call’ doesn’t mean ‘butt dialing’
I’m a villainous hero, a caped crusader
I’ll burn you like a slip n’ slide made out of sandpaper
Addicted to my rhymes
Call it hooked on phonics
Your team is nonexistent; Seattle Supersonics
I’ve gotta be honest, this rap thing’s pretty easy
So why’s everyone givin’ all the credit to weezy?
I’m like the little engine that didn’t even bother
Mad as baby new year looking for his biological father
Economic BOOM, sellin’ atoms by the slice
Rhymes scarier than skinny jeaned 8th graders on bikes
Paradoxically speaking,
The aroma is wreaking-
Havoc like a gas line left leaking.
I just can’t stop, man, my thoughts are corrupt
You want some fries with that shake? Or Two girls with that cup?
Sorry, that was kinda inappropriate,
 got a problem with that? You can talk to my associate
I think I’m on to something,
 but it’s so hard to express
I guess that’s what happens when the fresh prince ain’t feelin so fresh.